Saturday, February 9, 2013


UNLIKE THE ARABS TO STOP IMMEDIATELY!-----They attack us & are allowed to Destroy us but when we were miles from Cairo are ORDERED TO STOP!!!!!!----HOW IS THIS NOT ANTI-SEMETISM

Almost but No CIGAR!!!!!!!!

They Came so close to Destroying our Nation!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Quitest Border in Israel for 30 yrs now over-

While traveling the Golan a Brig. General said "Though we have No peace with Syria , this has been the quietist Border in 30 years" Though no peace a Despot has control for now over his nation. We all are aware of the Egyptian Tunnels to smuggle weapons in to Gaza.The mis-treatment of Christian Orthodox in Egypt under Sadat & Nasser.The opression of Catholics in Syria.The constant asking for more from Arafat. Ask yourself why???    & what to do. The why?- Without war -Terrorists are Unemployed. Without a real peace peace Treaty with a Democraticly elected REGIME -The treaty is a Joke! That is why Syria until now that their Despot has lost control over his country -Syria or Israels' Golan Heights is now in the News after 30 years of quiet. With the exception of JORDAN - Israel is the only nation that does not have a Despot leader. Thus,how do you make peace or give back Strategic land for Peace with Despots who likely will not be in power in a few years or decades.Remember Iran! Our Friend-the Shah but a Despot. years later the Picture on TIME of Ayotollah Khomeni with a Mushroom Nuclear Cloud over his head being a fear but not actually serious in 1980. Well here we are in our lifetime! FOLLOW THE MONEY! stop it!!!!! We have no choice now but to let Israel take the fall and let them take out the Threat .the Fear we did not think we would see in our life. Israel needs the weapon to penetrate & Destroy the New IRAN Nuclear Threat. They are Months away , a year at best!!!.   Go Mr.Pres. & give the CIA the weapon to get to the only stable Democracy in the area.The only true Regime that that has no one to truely make peace with.However,allow our Friend to avoid Destruction . I asked this Brig. General in 2003 while looking at Damascus thru Binoculars "How do you see Israel in 50 years?" His answer?----"SAND"Destoyed!------PLEASE Mr.Pres. now go and ask for all political,peaceful means which we all know will end in Nowhere,then get Israel the weapon they need to blow Iran's Nuclear complex away.They will Blame Israel anyway.So,give Israel/CIA the "KISSINGER WINK" and let Israel do what is best for the world.Let the world denounce Them in the U.N. IT IS BETTER THAN PROOVING my freind correct that Israel will Be "SAND" & not in 50 years but 5 years at best. -----------This is poorly written & not checked but is coming from the heart of my Christian Friends as well. Even Sadat -----mistreared the Christians in Egypt.These Arab/persian leaders are all DESPOTS with no control but the gun. Only Democratic regimes can make peace that last & have meaning. What other Nations invite as you did his /her opponents to sit down & listen. These Despots and fanatics twist the Koran for 1 reason to have $$$$. They feed opium to the masses as religion and to stay in power to survive. ONLY KING HUSSEIN of Jordan who would not take back his 67 losses of land if you paid him is an exception.However , his country is in reality Palestine for the most part.     GO FOR IT PRES.OBAMA - CIA, do it quietly , let them condenm Israel,Leave the USA out of it and let the Israelis clean up our mess.Before we all are Sand. No terrorism,no war these people will be unemployed.Please stop the Saudi's also from funding these Twisted Fanatics. Hell,We could not even trust Pakistan(our Ally) in getting Osama bin Laden!   Learn from that! That took nerve!!!! That is what you must now do to prevent that TIME cover of KHOMENI with THAT MUSHROOM CLOUD!!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Stregnth in numbers

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