Friday, October 28, 2011

Stregnth in numbers

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The Fact that  The NON-JEWS want the 'right to return"  is called CHUTZPAH!!!!!!!- These are Discounted & suggested readings on AMAZON-Click on Israel Below for Discounts & books on AMAZON

The Case for Israel as a Jewish Nation.

Welcome to our new Blog! We are going to make a strong Voice to be heard.Please follow us on our mission if you believe in the following.THE STATE OF ISRAEL HAS A RIGHT TO EXIST IN PEACE AND DEFEND IT'S BORDERS WHEN ATTACKED OR LEARNS OF A PLAN TO ATTACK.BY this we mean i.e.- Israel can show as it did in 67 war & Yom Kippor War that INVADING forces were /are planning an attack. We also will Defend Israel as a Jewish homeland by using Data dating back in time to not just Biblical times but also current factual times .Dating back to the 1882 First Wave of European Jews to build the Nation that We as Jews always called home ! We will show the world how in 1882 we European Jews went back to our nation that lay in RUINS yet still occupied mainly by Sephardic Jews no less! We, European Jews with our Sephardic Brothers re-Built a Wasteland that was once a great Nation of King David.We will show the Sephardic Jews remained in this place through time.The ARAB (NON-JEWS) Fled this area and only nomadic tribes passed through Israel until THE JEWISH people re-built this Wasteland destreoyed by the very same Arab tribes that now want to return after WE RE-BUILT WHAT THEY EITHER HELPED OR DESTROYED THEMSELVES. WE say NO! YOU RUINED KING DAVID'S NATION AND NOW that we rebuilt what you destroyed and still Destroy with your terror attacks want to have "RIGHT OF RETURN" to what you destroyed and laid waste.  Please if I am starting to make sense FOLLOW OUR BLOG ,POST . and be heard.